Back to school guide - College Edition

Time is running out because you have just a few weeks to pack your whole life into boxes before heading off to college. Just kidding…I promise. My advice is not to do what I did when heading to college and that was to pack two cars to the brim with every foreseeable item possible, this also included a dress to wear to hypothetical fraternity formals. Actually, that particular item came in handy at the end of freshman year! But in all seriousness, carefully planning what to take is well worth the time you put into this venture. 

When heading off to college there are dorm room basics, bathroom essentials, and academic staples that are absolutely worth purchasing ahead. Now that Bed, Bath, & Beyond has declared bankruptcy you will have to source your bedding, office supply items, and hygiene products elsewhere… Target I am looking at you. 

Click here to access our Amazon wishlist of college specific back to school list that make life easier so you could set it and forget it to open up capacity to focus on other aspects of your day when you are rebuilding your systems in a new place like college.

  • If you need organization in your life and layers of structure, invest in weekly planners, online tools, and monthly desk pads or white boards. They are truly lifesavers when it comes to helping you task out all of your events. With this said, it is essential to reverse calendar your semester, which means building a calendar of all of your assignments so you know when to ask for accommodations and when your weeks will be the most hectic.

  • Plan ahead for when you will get sick. It will happen. You are heading to a new environment with loads of people, not to mention sharing close quarters in dorms. Pack the medicines and homeopathic remedies you use to feel better, but more importantly make a plan. Check in with the health center to determine how to communicate with professors for when you cannot attend class. Identify the protocols you must follow. This way you can avoid getting dinged on the participation grade because you were running a 102 fever. No one wants to figure out what to do when they are ill, so a little pre-planning goes a long way.

  • Just a word to the wise while making a college packing list for girls, if you need period products, get a subscription service that ships to your mailbox automatically every month according to your cycle. No one wants to get stuck using health center products when they could have planned ahead. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Office Supplies are essential. Determining your best workflow and what tools keep your life efficiently running is a must. Here is a list already cross-linked to Amazon for your convenience: 

  • Electronic Supplies are the key to an organized workspace which will allow for multiple charging ports, plenty of screen room, and that selfie light… for interviews of course.

  • In preparation to head off to school it is essential to establish proper study routines, invest in your optimal physical health, and get plenty of sleep. In order to prepare to keep your own schedule be sure to set social media limits, identify your stress tells, and determine your sleeping and eating needs. If you are heading off to college and your diet, exercise, and eating habits are out of whack, they will not magically fix themselves once you arrive, so take the time to establish these habits months in advance of your arrival. 

  • Finally, when packing for college consider packing some of your items in handy carryon sized luggage. That way if you have to rush home or jump on a flight, you have a quick way you can pack without having to check luggage. If you do have to check a bag, be sure to pick luggage that is a color other than black, you can pick it out of a lineup quickly and get on with your day. Here are a few well rated options

No matter your destination this fall or spring semester, there are many tasks that would be wise to complete prior to your arrival. We suggest surrounding yourself with advisors, mentors, and supportive people to best navigate this life stage and change. Meanwhile, College Flight Path has a handy Postsecondary Success Checklist with all of the details of what life in a new home looks like, check it out here


College Visit Checklist


Vicki Vollweiler and Four Year Academic Planning