Vicki Vollweiler and Four Year Academic Planning

It was Lynne’s pleasure to speak with Vicki Vollweiler about our Four-Year Academic Planning model and just how important it is for families to establish a foundation for academic curiosity and identity exploration before embarking on a student's high school career. 

We touched on elective courses, hobbies, clubs, and asynchronous experiences to offer students every available avenue to explore their interests. With that said, conversations that shape a child from a middle school learner to a keen high schooler takes finesse, time, and a pair of carefully sewn kit gloves. 

These conversations can be delicate and nuanced, but there are so many coaches equipped to help you navigate this time. Utilizing 9th and 10th grade for career and personal exploration helps students establish skills that grow their confidence and research skills. 

Our wish is that every parent not use electives in 9th and 10th grade as throwaway courses but opportunities for skillbuilding and introspection where all stakeholders can ask questions of what did we enjoy, what do we keep, and what do we get rid of throughout every stage.

Our Four Year Planner

It is essential to use a four year planner when considering all time constraints on a student’s schedule. Check out our Sample Four-Year Planner here and download a Blank Planner for your Family as well. 

I hope you enjoy this podcast and a few free resources to help guide you on your journey!

While we took a little hiatus from our podcasts, we're back! Lynne Fuller of College Flight Path joins me for this episode of College Financial Prep's "Preparing For College" podcast where we discuss "Developing A Four Year Plan For High School Students."

Watch the video on YouTube:

Listen in on Anchor or Spotify!



See all of College Financial Prep's "Preparing For College" podcasts at

Meanwhile, please check out Vicki's website College Financial Prep as she is a tremendous resource to help families navigate what can (often) be tricky financial waters.


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